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Happiness Tip: Do One Thing Everyday for YOU!

14 Jan

Source: via Paige on Pinterest


Happiness Tip ☺

Many of you may already do this, but don’t take the time to actually think about it…

Do one thing for you and only you every single day. Let it be a moment that makes you smile to yourself and feel gratitude for the moment. You don’t have to tell anyone about it and it can be your secret; or, how about you brag about it! I think our society lends itself much easier to the negativities of the day rather than the small happiness’s that are so abundant! Doing things for yourself can often feel selfish or look selfish to others, so says our society, but I say you’ll be much happier if you do!

Now, a story…
Once, I was a Starbucks JUNKIE! Sometimes my hubby and I would lay tired in bed and dream of the next mornings Starbucks run (Who am I kidding, we still do). Literally, we talk about our excitement for the next morning’s coffee before drifting off to bed!!

After much thought and consideration, and one really nice espresso machine given to us for our wedding, I decided to do a little research into how to make the perfect morning iced espresso for myself. I started with cheaper Safeway roasts but after speaking to many coffee enthusiasts, mainly from Europe (my supreme belief is that Europe contains all my foodie lusts)… I decided to invest, once every 3 weeks, in the coffee of my dreams… To some, it’s not the most expensive, but to me $15 is a lot to spend on a can of coffee… But my Starbucks drinks were quickly becoming much more expensive at around $4 a pop! I made a quirky little coffee nook with the sugar carefully placed in the cutest little bowl and I even have a special jug for my creamer with the fanciest little cups to pour my espresso in… Frivolous, yes, but oh so marvelous for ME!

Each dawning, no matter how painful getting out of bed might seem, my first thought of the morning is not what I have to do, but that moment… My moment. Alone with something special I have given myself… slightly extravagant and all mine.

This week, you should try this. Think of something that can be yours, your moment and gift to yourself every single day that you can enjoy. Maybe yours is a trip to Starbucks or reading 10 minutes of Perez Hilton in the morning. Allow yourself that and while you’re doing it, smile!! Cheesy, yes, but I’m telling you it works!!!!!